Complete this graphic:
Or muck about with social media by creating fake things: http://simitator.com/generator/other-generators (may be blocked at your institution!)
The starting point for this element is a prezi 'treasure hunt' where there were videos of different aspects of the 'cloud'. You will be watching these and answering questions primarily to learn more about web 2.0 tools but also to earn a certificate and experience two key phenomena: flipped learning and gamification. While you do the activity ask think about what is 'gamified' and what is flipped.
& This one was made using bubbl.us:
The second session will use a "lesson plan" that is a series of Tweets using the #web2jisc hashtag that have been 'curated' in storify! Sounds complicated? Actually, it's not too difficult once you have got your head around it.
Other tools
Read this post for more information on curation tools and push tech!
Delicious link super user example set (ESOL)
http://pinterest.com/jgiy/e-tools-for-teachers-and-trainers/ One of Martin's pinterest pages
http://www.delicious.com/eteaching/ eteaching delicious page
http://eteachingx3.wikispaces.com/home eteaching wiki
http://kidblog.org/home/ kidblog- nice tool for creating class blogs
https://twitter.com/ think about how you could use this to share ideas, links and resources and to get your students talking outside of class
an alternative is http://friendfeed.com/ - how about a single log in for everyone in class?
Try symbaloo my example: http://edu.symbaloo.com/mix/martinssymbaloowebmix
Symbaloo is a personal startpage that allows you to easily navigate the web and compile your favourite site all in to one visual interface. Save your bookmarks in the cloud and access them from anywhere with any device.
also relevant is box.com and google drive (you can share, embed, comment so it's social as well as a storage portal)
I love 'Pinterest' because it's very visual
Delicious has caused a few problems in terms of sharing but remains a good step up from simply supplying links because you can share lists and tag them.
Twitter is my favourite personal social tool but it does take patience! you need to understand the timeline concept, the following concept and the # (hashtag) concept. get that and you're 3/4 of the way there.
Tweets by @eteachingx3
we have a course wiki which is editable http://eteachingx3.wikispaces.com/
(be warned - to free it up for ease of access without having to invite people to collaborate by e mail you do have to pay $1). I know that kind of breaks my rule but hey ho.
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