Last week we looked at digital storytelling- here's a quick example of a tool that combines speech bubbles with images as a follow up. if you have a spare moment you might want to have a look: http://eteachx3.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/cartoonist.html
we used www.polleverwhere.com in week 1 and pretty much any of the tools you have seen since could come under the 'formative ' assessment umbrella
the task sheet is available here: https://www.box.com/s/86r93oteuaebcvp794xj
you probably won't get a chance in the session but do look at www.quia.com some time if you don't and you could
download Hot Potatoes from www.halfbakedsoftware.com
If I had to nail my colours to the mast and say which everyone should get to grips with I'd say QUIZLET first, then EXAM TIME and Google Forms third
look at www.quizlet.com
Quizlet eTeaching collection
Quizlet business collection
google form feedback/ quiz
gnowledge sample (you'll need to create an account to do the quiz)
The other aspect of this is badging- more coming soon
How to link to a Google form
Optional extension work
beyond the extension ideas above:
ProProfs is a
very versatile quiz creation tool and one of the first eteachers loves it- I
was a bit put off by the amount of advertising though this is minimised if you
embed quizzes into your blog- one of her examples: http://miffbiz12.posterous.com/online-quiz-ms
other examples: http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/examples.php and don’t forget the quiz making tools (and
games) at classtools.net
allows you to create nice looking feedback questionnaires or assessments (up to
10 questions free each time) and collate the information quite easily. You
create the survey, send the link and then review the responses within
surveymonkey itself- it doesn’t provide immediate feedback though. In fact it
is very much like Google forms.
As I say above, Quia.com is a very versatile tool that
allows you to make ‘millionaire’ type games, hangman, gap fills, multi choices
etc. and is pretty easy to use. The downside is that the free trial is only 30
days so if you do create an account and like it, make sure you make all your
resources within 30 days then save the links to the quizzes carefully!
You may have heard of Hot
Potatoes quiz makers (makes a lovely crossword!) but this is something you
have to download so you’d have to do it at home and it’s not online as such so
this is why we’re not looking at it on this course (it is quite complicated at
first but if you’re very comfortable with your IT skills you’ll be OK and will
be able to appreciate its versatility) Available: http://hotpot.uvic.ca/
MC Nov 2014
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