week 6 comics, cartoons and stories

Today's Movie Opener

All the comic strips and some other bits are here but there are also some interesting things further down the page if you get a chance to look later. 

Click 'Open in Blendspace':

The latest thing I have been playing with is called 'adobe voice' and at the moment it's an Ipad only app that allows you to make videos like the one below: if it doesn't load click here: 


storybird.com  here's one I made: http://storybird.com/books/just-because-i-tweet/

voki sample here: http://eteachx3.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/message-to-325-acton-group.html
Sample domo animate here
Voicethread is one that I am enjoying at the moment. Here's an example- all I did was upload a powerpoint and then talk through it. You can add video and invite other people to add comments too: https://voicethread.com/share/2351192/ and here's another https://voicethread.com/share/3698805/ (they can also be easily embedded in blogs)- limited to 5 voicethreads on the free account though another 10 is only $20 Here's one where I have uploaded a range of media, put a commentary over the top and invited others to comment too https://voicethread.com/share/3712121/
Look at Redkid.net (create signs) and photofunia (image manipulation)

If you really have time to kill...this is a fantastic post from the iLearn Technology blog about 31 different tools that all fall (some loosely) under the digital storytelling umbrella- ESOL teachers especially check out the literacy development sites. http://ilearntechnology.com/?p=3190 

I used to love goanimate but they  have changed the way the free version works so I am not convinced it's worth the effort any more: Go animate resource created for induction: http://goanimate.com/videos/0IJ5_tNyMNgM/1 comes with audio 

Glogster with links to comic sites and animation sites as well as plenty of examples

open in chrome  & use tinyurl.com/eteachcomic

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